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This session is for small sized CPA firms. The strategy level content is NOT suitable for non-owners/managers, firms without business clients, or anyone in non-CPA firms. Please ONLY register if you are an Owner in a CPA firm with business clients.
Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateAugust 30, 2016
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

The majority of practitioners are using outdated methods to build their practice. They use labor intensive ways to grow and manage their practice. They work crazy long hours and end up burning out with high stress levels. Their clients don’t appreciate and respect them the way they should. In this webinar, you will discover a high performance new model built on “working smart.” This results in building and owning a practice that makes you proud while doubling your time off.

Learning Objectives

  • Attract more and better quality clients with a 3-step model that gets the best prospects to want to work with you

  • 4 little known strategies to build a championship team

  • Systems your practice needs to liberate yourself from the day-to-day stress and headaches

  • Create wealth with a lucrative exit strategy

  • How to attract infinitely more compliant, respectful and appreciative clients

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Michael, NC

"This is one of the best webinars I have ever attended more so because it has helped me even more define what type of accountant I want to be and how I can transform all these years of hard work and studying into a well paid career to take care of my family. I had been asked by people in the recent past that after all these extra years of studying, exams and practical experience, why am I making almost the same as what I could have made had I not gone through the additional years of accounting training. Now I have a clear answer for them and it's taking my training as a professional accountant to make my business model of public accounting a true profitable and efficient machine. Thanks once again Salim!!!"
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Isheunesu, Other

"Great webinar, its certainly going to be one of the best webinar highlights for 2016."
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Elizabeth, OK

"Excellent information. Had a way of focusing my thinking, which is the point."
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connie, KY

"yes it was very infomative"
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Marcus, TN

"Salem is very knowledgeable."
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Salim Omar transformed a struggling practice he started in 1996 with low-paying clients, poor cash flow, and high turnover, into a highly profitable firm with a top-quality team that allows him to work just a few days in a week while his practice continues to grow.

He is the author of the popular book, The Ultimate CPA Practice in the New Economy. In addition, he has been featured in various prestigious publications, such as the CPA Journal and Accounting Today.

About Our Presenter

The premiere marketing and practice management company serving over 8,000 CPAs all over the world.

Salim Omar is a best selling author, thought leader and mentor for CPA firms. He is considered by many as THE “CPA Practice Coach” because he owns and runs a CPA practice so he understands what it takes to create and sustain a successful firm.