The CPA profession is undergoing significant change and as a result, there are vast opportunities for those who serve individuals, families and business owners. Understanding this change and stepping into an expanded role to offer tax and financial planning advisory services requires new knowledge as well as responsiveness to change. If you are ready for the challenge, this session will give you a running start to take your practice forward. You will learn what changes are occurring in the profession, as well as the business models, economic benefits, and next steps required to transition to a tax and financial planning advisory business.
Course Objectives:
Paraklete Financial, Inc.
President / Co-Founder
(678) 290-3930
Susan M. Tillery is President and co-founder of Paraklete® Financial, Inc. Susan has over 30 years of experience in tax, philanthropy, and financial planning, as well as in the administrative and compliance areas encountered by affluent individuals and families. Susan’s firm provides integrated fee-for-service financial planning. Paraklete® Financial, Inc’s focus is on independence and objectivity. The firm acts as An Advocate in Financial Services® for its clients and therefore, does not manage assets or sell products.
Susan is the co-author of Essentials of Personal Financial Planning, a textbook used by colleges and universities in graduate programs in accounting, business and law. Additionally, Susan has co-authored The AICPA Financial Planning Certificate Program. The program addresses all areas of the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) Body of Knowledge and successful completion, with related experience, permits participants to obtain the PFS Credential.